Big Island Substance Abuse Council School Based Program/Kohala Middle Sch in Kapaau, Hawaii
54-4155 Akoni Pule Highway
Kapaau, HI 96755
(808) 969-9994
Intake: (808) 936-4250
Also try these nearby Treatment Centers in Hawaii
- Big Island Substance Abuse Council School Based Prog/Naalehu Inter School
- Hina Mauka/Teen Care Aliamanu Middle School
- YMCA Outreach Services
- YMCA of Honolulu Stevenson Middle School
- State of Hawaii Judiciary Hawaii Drug Court
- New Horizons Counseling
- Alcoholic Rehab Services of Hawaii Inc Hina Mauka/IHS
- Kaiser Permanente Behavioral Health Services
- YMCA Outreach Services School Based/Nanakuli High School
- Big Island Substance Abuse Council School Basd Prog/Waimea Middle School