12 Step News And Articles
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What Can I Expect at My First 12 Step Meeting?
Attending a 12 Step meeting for the first time can seem overwhelming, to say the least. Not knowing what to expect, feeling as if you have to participate and dealing with feelings of anxiety in general can make your first time at a meeting seem more difficult than it really is. The 12 Step support ….
Read more ›The Stages of Change Model in 12 Step Drug Treatment
As of the first day in drug treatment, addicts enter into a step-by-step process of change that works to undo the effects of addiction and create a lifestyle capable of supporting ongoing abstinence. Most all 12 Step drug treatment programs follow set protocols designed to promote ongoing growth and change throughout the recovery process. The ….
Read more ›12 Ways to Control your Cravings
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, cravings are a part of both drug addiction and a cause for relapse. Unfortunately, cravings usually hit you when you least expect them and at the worst possible times. This is why you should know how to control your cravings before they happen. Luckily, there are things ….
Read more ›Are There Any 12 Step Alternatives?
The spiritual and group aspects of 12 step programs are not for everyone. Some people are just not suited for the environment that these programs provide. In this case, there are many alternatives to the traditional 12 step programs and beliefs. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, there are many traditional ….
Read more ›What is the 12 Step Process?
If you have a problem with drugs or alcohol, you are not alone. Alcoholism and drug addiction affect millions people in the United States alone. Fortunately, there are many treatments available to help you. One highly successful treatment is called a 12 step group. During the 12 step process, you will learn how to live ….
Read more ›Is There a 12-Step Program for Methamphetamine Addiction?
Unlike addictions to substances such as heroin and painkillers, methamphetamine addiction cannot be treated using prescription medications. But 12-step programs such as that offered by Alcoholics Anonymous have been proven effective at connecting addicts with the support and therapy needed to overcome addiction. If you or someone you love is suffering from meth abuse, understand ….
Read more ›15 Reasons to Go to a Meeting Today
According to the Alcoholics Anonymous website, you can go to meetings any time you feel the need to. Returning to meetings after an absence can prevent a relapse. There are many reasons why you should go to a meeting as soon as you notice any of these things. 1. You Find Yourself Craving Drugs or ….
Read more ›How Do AA Promises Fit Into the 12 Step Program?
While addiction may well be classified as a chronic medical condition, the recovery process has as much to do with healing the mind and spirit as it does healing the body. People going through recovery experience change in every aspect of their lives to the point where a total personality change gradually takes place. The ….
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