12 Step Program For Weight Loss
At the heart of any 12 step program is a realization that one’s life has spiraled out of control. Help is needed. Those who struggle with their weight can feel just as helpless as others and the structure of a 12 step program, along with the support provided in a group, can mean the difference between success and continued failure.
Obesity has been shown time and time again to be a life threatening disease. Worse, it’s reached epidemic proportions in the US. It ought to be obvious by now that all the plans and diet fads aren’t really stopping the trend. This is best explained by realizing the issue is a behavioral one – change behavior and any calorie restriction will work; fail to change the behavior and none will. The second element, just as important, is that maintenance is as critical as initial weight loss.
12 Step programs for weight loss can be found at Over-eaters Anonymous and Food Addicts Anonymous (now, Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous) are two. Both have excellent websites with information and tests you can take to see if their programs fit you.
The best recommendation is to find a couple of meetings near where you live (in either organization) and go. You won’t be ridiculed. These people know where you are at. You also won’t be “sold” on a diet plan.
The purpose of attending different meetings is to see how well you fit with a particular group. Even though all will generally follow the same 12 steps, the people making up a group give it a unique character and each is run independently. You will find one that resonates with you best.
The actual steps revolve around accepting you have a problem (and seeking help), followed by dealing with all the problems being overweight has caused. The last step is to pass along your new understanding and success to others.