4 Reasons You Should Have A Sponsor While In Recovery

In general, the recovery process for addiction can be a long and difficult one. Treatment often involves multiple facets, and may occasionally need to be adjusted as you go along. Addiction is a highly chronic condition, and having some level of consistency seems to help prevent relapses.

They’ve Been Where You Are

Sponsors in addiction recovery are usually defined as an individual who has gone through or is currently in the same recovery program. A large part of their role is to help the newcomer acclimate to the program, a guide of sorts. On average, most sponsors will have spent a considerable amount of time in sobriety.

They double as another part of the recovering addict’s support system. Due to their experience in the program and with their own addiction, they can be a huge source of advice. They are another resource for a recovering addict, and are often very relatable because they have been through the process themselves.

They Add To Your Support System

Have A Sponsor

A sponsor will be able to relate to your experiences, making you feel less alone in the recovery process.

A big part of addiction recovery is having the support of others. As stated earlier, a sponsor can be another part of a person’s support system, and they are often the part that is the most relatable for the recovering addict. Unfortunately, not everyone in your support system is going to completely understand what addiction is like for you.

Every person responds to addiction differently, according to the DEA, and the effects can lead to serious problems. A sponsor will be able to comprehend and relate to what is and has happened to you, although it might not be an exact copy of your experience.

They’re Key in the Early Stages of Recovery

Addiction, regardless of what the person is addicted to, is incredibly complex and treatment is never an easy process. The early stages of recovery tend to be the most difficult, often because the addiction still has a fairly strong hold on the person.

While a person may find the strength to seek treatment, they may not follow through and continue with it once they start. According to NIDA, one of the first treatment steps is often detoxification; it can be a difficult process, and can scare a person away from continuing treatment.

If there isn’t any treatment after detoxification, many patients will continue or resume their addiction. Having a sponsor during the detoxification process can not only help ease the person’s fears, but also encourage them to continue their treatment during those first few steps.

They Can Help You Stay In Control

From their own experiences, a sponsor will probably recognize signs of potential relapse and can help you stay on track. During recovery, you may experience urges to use again or even cravings. Recovery is difficult by itself, but the addition of temptation can make things seem even worse.

A sponsor can be that voice of reason when your addiction is whispering in your ear, trying to get you to come back. They can steer you back to your treatment path, and help you through the struggle, even if it’s in the middle of the night.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, please contact us through our website or via phone at 800-781-0748 (Who Answers?) to speak with a caring specialist who can provide you with help.

12 Step Sponsorship

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