Comparing My Favorite Part of 12-Step Recovery to Rational Recovery

Twelve-step programs and Rational Recovery are two completely different recovery programs proven useful at treating addiction. While 12-step recovery programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous are more popular and widely known for treating addiction, Rational Recovery offers a unique non-spiritual approach to maintaining abstinence from substances.

If you’re currently participating in a 12-step recovery program to overcome addiction, here’s a closer look at how your favorite step of the program might compare to Rational Recovery.

Nobody should have to overcome addiction and substance abuse on their own without help — including you or your loved one. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-781-0748 (Who Answers?) to find 12-step recovery programs in your area that can help you or your loved one achieve lifelong sobriety.

12 Steps Vs. Rational Recovery: What’s the Difference?

Rational Recovery

Rational Recovery encourages people to overcome addiction on their own by learning specific techniques.

Twelve-step programs generally focus on and incorporate spirituality into treatment. Members of 12-step programs attend regular meetings to stay on track with sobriety, and to encourage and support other recovering addicts on their own journeys. Recovering addicts who complete all 12 steps often become sponsors, and give back to the community by helping other addicts overcome addiction.

Rational Recovery, on the other hand, does not view addiction as a disease, and approaches recovery as an event — not a long-term or lifelong process. Rational Recovery programs do not incorporate spirituality into treatment, and place less emphasis on recovery in a group setting.  Individuals who participate in Rational Recovery learn how to recognize and control internal thoughts that lead to addiction, and overcome addiction on their own by mastering these techniques.

Twelve-step programs and Rational Recovery both view abstinence as the ultimate solution for managing addiction. But where 12-step programs offer treatment and guidance in supportive group settings, Rational Recovery adopts a more individualistic approach, and encourages individuals to overcome addiction on their own mentally without guidance from another.

Which Recovery Program Should You Choose?

All 12 steps in 12-step recovery programs explore how one can overcome addiction using God or another higher power to help them achieve sobriety. But in Rational Recovery, there are no steps to follow, and individuals must read the program materials to learn mental techniques for overcoming addiction.

Since there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to treating addiction and/or substance abuse, both recovery programs can be successful at helping certain individuals overcome addiction. In most cases, 12-step programs are more favorable among those who desire strong, supportive networks of like-minded peers to help them on their journeys.

When facilitated by rehab centers, 12-step programs are used alongside detoxification, counseling, and therapy to address physical dependency on substances and underlying causes of addiction.

If you’re not sure which addiction recovery program will work best for you or your loved one, call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-781-0748 (Who Answers?) . Our caring treatment specialists will help you find 12-step recovery programs and rehab centers devoted to helping you or your loved one overcome substance abuse.

7 Alternatives to 12 Step Treatment

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