Popular 12 Step Programs Used in Drug Rehab
Although most drug rehabs use a general 12 step program for all abused substances, there are a few that use specific programs for treating specific addictions. If you are looking for a drug rehab, you will want a 12 step program that fits your addiction needs. Look through the following list and give some real thought to how these programs could help you recover from your addiction.
What Goes on During the Popular 12 Step Program Meetings in Rehab
Most 12 step groups inside rehabs follow the same format that they do outside of rehab. This provides continuity when you leave the rehab.
- The meeting is opened by the counselor
- The Serenity Prayer is recited
- There are readings of passages from 12 step literature
- If there are new people in attendance, there are often introductions
- Frequently, there will be an announcement of how long everyone in the group has been clean; some rehabs will skip this step
- There is either a discussion about one of the 12 steps or a member of the group discusses their particular experiences
- A member discusses how the 12 step program helped them recover
- Specific points are highlighted to help those in the group to recover from their particular addiction
Almost all of the 12 step groups follow this format, although the discussion is often limited to the specific issue highlighted by the group, such as alcohol addiction or dual addiction.
Alcoholics Anonymous

All 12 step programs guide recovering addicts toward positive change.
Alcohol is the most popular substance that people combine with other drugs. This creates a dual addiction. Although there are dual diagnosis anonymous programs, some rehabs choose to offer a more alcohol centered approach. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are generally just for those whose main problem is alcohol. Topics usually discussed are:
- Problems alcohol has caused
- Ways to solve these problems
- Ways others have solved these problems
- Reasons why people began using alcohol in the first place
The Alcoholics Anonymous program has also been around longer than any other 12 step groups, and some may feel more familiar with it. It can be easily modified for any drug or substance in order to accommodate other users.
Narcotics Anonymous
After Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous is one of the most well-known 12 step treatment models. Although narcotics is a term that technically refers to a specific class of drugs, Narcotics Anonymous does not focus on any particular drug, according to Narcotics Anonymous. This makes it particularly useful in drug rehabs, considering many drug rehabs treat a variety of drug addictions.
Some of what goes on in Narcotics Anonymous Meetings includes:
- Discussion of typical drug use
- Discussion of what happens during the drug use
- Triggers
- How to keep from using the drug
To find a drug rehab that uses the 12 step model, call 800-781-0748 (Who Answers?) .
Dual Recovery or Dual Diagnosis Anonymous
Dual Recovery Anonymous means that someone is addicted to two substances or is addicted to a substance and suffering from another condition. It also can also be a medical term meaning two conditions occurring at the same time.
This is another form of 12 step program that allows you to participate in the recovery process for multiple drugs or a drug addiction and a mental illness. Some topics for discussion are:
- How mental illness and drugs interact
- The causal relationship between the two conditions
- How to break free of the cycle of both the mental illness and the drug use
- How the original addiction started
In dual recovery meetings, group discussion is often limited to how to deal with both drug addictions at the same time or a mental illness and a drug addiction simultaneously.
Crystal Meth Anonymous or Methamphetamine Anonymous
Since methamphetamine is one of the most difficult addictions to break, the 12 step process that is designed to help people on this powerful drug is often found in drug rehabs. Although meth meetings follow the same format as other 12 step meetings some of the topics of discussion are:
- How to deal with the powerful cravings of meth
- Things you can do to avoid future use
- Many times skin and health issues associated with meth use are discussed
The prevalence of meth users in rehab is very high; having a 12 step program that caters to them is a must for any rehab that treats methamphetamine addiction.
Finding a Drug Rehab That Uses 12 Step Programs
Many rehabs use a general 12 step program, unless they are treating for a specific drug addiction. These general 12 step programs are comparable to those listed above but may be modified in order to suit a group’s needs.
The 12 step philosophy is very similar throughout all of the 12 step models. So, no matter which 12 step program is available, you can still find the treatment that you need.
To find a treatment center that believes in the 12 step philosophy or uses one of these 12 step groups, call 800-781-0748 (Who Answers?) . We can help you find the treatment center that you need.